The Dark Chocolate Blog

Tasting notes and reviews of premium dark chocolates. A Critical Tastings website.

Ghirardelli Intense Dark Midnight Reverie 86% Cacao

Manufacturer: Ghirardelli
Cocoa Content: 86%
Manufacturer Website
Rating: B-

Today's tasting is Ghirardelli's dark chocolate bar with the highest percentage cocoa, the Midnight Reverie. The Midnight Reverie is deep ebony in color with some reddish-orange highlights. The initial flavor impression is unsweetened cocoa. There is notable espresso-like bitterness. Acidity starts out mild and builds to a moderate level with notes of orange, sour cherry, blackberry and citrusy hop flowers. There are some herbal and earthy undertones as well.

Chewing the Midnight Reverie brings out notes of citrus along with faint spice and earthy notes. The Ghirardelli Midnight Reverie has a smooth, creamy mouthfeel that is slightly drying. The finish has espresso, citrus and herbal notes.

The Ghirardelli Midnight Reverie is a decent chocolate with some nice flavor. It is somewhat lacking in the complexity department, and it is missing the powerful chocolate flavor I would expect from a chocolate in the 80%+ cocoa range.